Choosing a suitable cage for your bird | Fast ESA Letter

Choosing a cage for your emotional support bird is an essential step for the comfort of the animal. The latter will spend most of his time there.


The cage should be spacious enough for the species you choose. In addition, its size varies depending on the number of animals that will live there. We prefer the width to the height so that the bird can fly freely.


If the bird's habitat is stainless steel, it will be easy to clean and not rust. If you want to bet on a decorative cage, take one with a wooden frame. But it will be susceptible to being damaged by the bird. In any case, try to take a cell with a removable bottom to facilitate cleaning.


It should allow you easy access inside to catch your bird without it having time to escape you. In addition, the closing system must prevent the bird from being able to open the door from the inside.

Equipment to be placed in the cage.

Consider placing perches in the cage to facilitate movement and freedom of your bird. Likewise, feeders and drinkers are essential to allow the animal to feed. To ensure the hygiene of your bird, put a bathtub suitable for its size. Finally, place a shelter so that your animal can isolate itself and toys such as a rope, a bell or a simple piece of wood. This is so that he does not get bored.

After getting a good cage for your bird, certify your emotional support animal with Fast ESA Letter.


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