How to treat a wound in my dog or my cat?

First of all, it is important to assess the severity of the wound: depth, location, size, contamination ... A superficial wound can be treated at home, while a deep or infected wound will require a visit to your home. Veterinarian for sutures and/or medical treatment (antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, etc.).


Warning! If your dog is in pain, he may be aggressive. Do not take any risk.

  • 1st step (important although feared for aesthetic reasons): Trim the edges of the wound! The hairs must not contaminate the inside of the wound, otherwise, the healing will be delayed.
  • 2nd step: Clean the wound by soaping and rubbing the area well, using water and neutral soap or suitable products, to remove all impurities.
  • Step 3: Disinfect the wound with local antiseptic to prevent infection.

For a more effective result, you can repeat the last 2 steps alternately, 2 to 3 times. Repeat the operation twice a day until healing.

NB: Some antiseptics inhibit each other. Do not mix the products, as this may be ineffective or slow healing.

The evolution of the wound

The wound should be kept clean, bright pink, and free from odor or abnormal discharge.
If the appearance is not satisfactory (swollen, hot, etc.), or if your companion behaves unusually, a consultation with your veterinarian is necessary! Stay alert to your protege.

My emotional support animal is licking his wound, should I let him?

NO. Contrary to popular belief, your companion's saliva is not antiseptic! Conversely, it contaminates the wound because of the many bacteria in its mouth.
To prevent it from licking itself and to promote good healing, wearing the collar may be mandatory. If your animal is cooperative, making a bandage (changed twice a day) may be enough to dissuade him.


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